M A I N S T R E E T Billboards and neon signs surround you. The music from local bars is tainted by the honking of passing cars and the raindrops. People everywhere, even at this hour. You're not sure why you're here, but you realize how alive the city is. You look around and you see... => join.txt HOMESTEADERS The Midnight Pub => https://midnight.pub ----------------------- A virtual speakeasy with dim lights and good cocktails. Located in a small alley off main street. Don't be scared by the street lights not working, and the occasional opposum you'll find on your way there. Neon Kiosk => https://kiosk.nightfall.city ------------------------------- Just an ordinary looking kiosk. Get your journal from here! The Museum of Alexandra => https://xandra.cc -------------------- Suddenly, cherry blossoms overhang onto the street you've turned down, windchimes punctuating distant car horns; a fence begins to accompany your journey along the walkway. A look upwards would reveal a marble marvel - a historic museum that has been transfigured into an exhibition of one person's life, a digital legacy: a personal story told through the lens of a Y2K-era aesthetic. Status Cafe => https://status.cafe ---------------------- Best drip coffee of Main Street. Great place for people watching while being sat down. Coffee to go at reduced price. Get yours now! Lucien Smith => https://feareatsthesoil.github.io/ ------------------------------------- Sleeping in, ordering chinese food, learning, finding secret stuff on the internet, looking at old art, shopping on ebay, watching movies with my girlfriend in bed, playing Gran Turismo on PS5, playing COD, collaborating, talking to people on discord, not waking up hungover, making funny sounds, acting retarded, laughing, eating, learning coding, spending time with my little brother, listening to music as loud as i can, smoking other people's Juuls, eating at fancy restaruants, spending more money than I make, jumping off cliffs into water, thinking about art im gonna make, talking about art im gonna make, not making the art i say im gonna make, doing exactly the opposite of what people want me to do, helping other people, hanging out with people like me, meeting people not like me, being antisocial, having fomo, thinking about stuff im gonna do in the future, trying to be in the present, saying im gonna start meditating, reminicing about the past, letting go of it... lime360 entertainment => https://lime360.neocities.org/ --------------------------------- a personal website with stuff STP => https://stp.world/ --------------------- Serving the People (STP) is a global network of creators, technologists, and leaders interested in enriching culture through innovation and community. Metonym's Meandering => https://metonym.neocities.org -------------------------------- Walking down the street you spot an oddly-shaped house, tucked away between the bars and cafes. Through the window you can see a girl aimlessly wandering around inside, occasionally hanging up a poster or adding something to a shrine... (My personal page, always under construction) Daximus => https://daximus.neocities.org -------------------------------- A personal site that reflects my own yearning for the web as it was during the late 90s and early 2000s. Valyce Negative => https://www.valycenegative.it -------------------------------- Born between two rivers, the metropolis of Cuna De Rios is a paradise of neons frozen in time, where nature and nostalgic technology is perfectly blended into a bright, sunset-tinted scifi fiture. Explore its diverse fauna, and learn about its daily life through Valy and her gang of friends. Enjoy your stay!