~ ~ S H O R E ~ ~ ._-_, ... ... ` _ ' -=_* =- ... ... :.: : : - (_) - ,'/'`\ : `' : ... : :,: .::. // : :`': : : : : :.' : :' ' ` ____________//_________:.:__:.:_:.:_:.:``:_`:.:_____________________ ~ ____,----/ |_ ~ ~~ ~ -' ________ `-.__ ~ ~ _ _/` ,',---\\--\ `-.____ ~~~ ~ __,--' c"} \`-____\\__\ `----.________________,-----' ,(_). `~~~~~~~~~' -"- Palm trees, sand and a city-renowed coffee joint to watch the glowy sunrise and its morning haze as you embark on your visit of the city's edge. Your house on the shore? --------------------------- => /citizenship/ Help wanted at the garden! ----------------------------- => garden/ HOMESTEADERS => -/ => 0/ => 03d/ => 1/ => 2/ => 3/ => 39/ => 3d/ => 3xb/ => 4/ => 5/ => 6/ => 7/ => 8/ => 9/ => _/ => akhiluk/ => akkartik/ => al_b/ => alcoholikitten/ => alderwick/ => aln/ => amadeus/ => april/ => birdwrongs/ => brewed/ => bubstance/ => byte/ => candycanearter/ => czewii/ => d/ => d39/ => damian/ => ddlyh/ => dev-today/ => dev2d/ => dev3d/ => dev_today/ => devtoday/ => dezren39/ => dnm/ => dongdigua/ => dp/ => drew/ => drew-pope/ => drew_pope/ => drewpope/ => drewry-pope/ => drewry_pope/ => drewrypope/ => dsp/ => dt/ => dylanjava/ => ecliptik/ => ezri/ => fikamedhasse/ => garden/ => haspper/ => hco3/ => interipelli/ => ivnsam/ => kjs/ => kona/ => luap/ => m/ => m15o/ => melyanna/ => memer/ => mo3s/ => o3d/ => oberon/ => ov3rc4st/ => overc4st/ => pateln_a/ => pcarrier/ => perennial/ => pius_q_bird/ => pope/ => ps/ => purvey/ => rafhei0/ => ragman/ => register/ => robey/ => roswell/ => slyshot/ => taavi/ => tffb/ => thebogboys/ => thejikz/ => vanten-s/ => vilk/ => yggverse/ => yogurt/ => zhyto/