  • % chance to crawl a node
  • % chance to hash a node
  • xp per node
  • tick every ms
    • s_crawl: finish once
    • hack: learn crawl 10 times
    • overflow: get 3 s_crawl
    • layer: get 5 s_crawl
    • s_hack: learn hack 10 times
    • thread: get 3 s_hack
    • s_thread: learn thread 5 times
    • f-thread: unlock thread
    • index: learn crawl 100 times
    • hash: reach layer 2
    • s_index: learn index 10 times
    • scanner: get 10 s_index
    • xp: hash 10 times
    • cpu: reach layer 4
    • int: get 10 overflow
    • oc: reach layer 6
    • deepNet: reach layer 10
    total xp 0
    total hash 0
    total hack 0
    max layer 0
    learned crawl 0
    learned thread 0
    learned hack 0
    learned index 0
    total finish 0
    • crawl
      increase chance of finding nodes
    • hack
      reduce security of a node
    • thread
      spawn additional thread to process nodes
    • index
      increase chance of finding a hash
    • s_crawl
      permanent +1 bonus to crawl
    • s_hack
      permanent +1 bonus to hack
    • thread
      increase nb of spawnable thread per session
    • s_thread
      spawn 1 additional thread at the start
    • s_index
      permanent +1 bonus to index
    • cpu
      lower the tick time
    • xp
      increase xp received per node
    • scan
      increase crawling capabilities
    • int
      lower xp and fame requirements
    • oc
      overclock the cpu, which lowers tick time
    • hash
      increase xp of layer; break last layer with hash to increase fame
    • layer
      target systems with more layers
    • overflow
      increase xp buffer size
    [NetCrawl] DeepNet
    This is an automated email sent to anyone reaching layer 10 or above. Our security team is still working on ensuring NetCrawl can operate on DeepNet, but the security will be compromised.
    [ToxicBlaze] RE: out
    i'm just trying to be friends with myself.
    [Brewed] RE: beer?
    Was a blast seeing you last night at the pub, ToxicBlaze!
    [ToxicBlaze] RE: out
    who are you?
    [NC1 News] NEX down
    The Nightfall Express train that connects each district of Nightfall City seem to be down, presumably the work of hacker who goes by the handle 'ToxicBlaze'.
    [Brewed] RE: beer?
    I'm not sure I follow - NC1 stopped emitting years ago. Are you sure they are the TV station you hacked?
    [ToxicBlaze] RE: out
    NC1 thing - was it u? not bad
    [NC1 News] Opposums Scrambling
    Last evening, viewers of Nightfall City’s popular TV station, NC1, were treated to an unexpected spectacle. A mischievous hacker interrupted the nightly program with footage of dancing cartoon opossums. The adorable interruption not only captivated households but also startled local opossum, which scurried away to find refuge in a small alley on Main Street.
    [ToxicBlaze] out
    I will swat u like the fly u r if u stay in this system.
    [Brewed] RE: beer?
    Was great catching up with you last night! So you're some sort of hacker uh? Are you sure you're not just playing some computer game?? Will you ever tell me what exactly you're hacking?
    [Nikasi] Real Estate
    Looking for a house in the bustling Main Street? In the uplifting Writer's Lane? Or maybe in the scenic Dusk's End? Look no more, call Nightfall City's first Real Estate Agency now!
    [Brewed] Beer?
    Been a few days I haven't seen you at the Midnight Pub. What are you up to? Let's meet tonight?
    [NetCrawl] Overflow
    Pay special attention to your buffer: when it's full, your threads won't be crawling anymore, and without crawling, you can't find a hash to break out of the layer. In some situations, you might get stuck. Use the Bale Out function when that happens. Upgrade your overflow to increase your buffer size.
    [NetCrawl] Backup
    NetCrawl, the hacking OS, automatically saves your session so you don’t lose any progress. But just in case, it’s a good idea to make physical backups. Head to Settings > Export to keep a copy safe from any unexpected issues.
    [NC1 News] Lights Go Haywire
    Traffic lights on Main Street in Nightfall City have seemingly developed a mind of their own, causing delightful chaos for drivers and pedestrians alike. Lights have been flashing in unexpected patterns, turning the usually orderly traffic into a spontaneous street dance of honking cars and confused commuters. While authorities suspect a technical glitch or a playful hacker, residents are finding humor in the situation. “It’s like the traffic lights are having a party,” joked one local.
    [NPS] Coffee Order Shipped
    We are pleased to inform you that your order of premium Brazilian coffee has been shipped! Your package is on its way and should arrive shortly. Thank you for choosing Nightfall Postal Service. We hope you enjoy the rich flavors of Brazil in every cup. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us. - NPS
    [NC1 News] Free Calls for Three Hours!
    In a quirky twist of modern mischief, Nightfall City’s seldom-used phone booths experienced an unexpected surge in popularity yesterday as tech-savvy pranksters hacked the systems, allowing free calls for three hours. From noon to 3 PM, residents were delighted to make calls without a penny, leading to a nostalgic flurry of activity. Authorities are investigating.
    [NetCrawl] Welcome
    You have successfully installed NetCrawl v.15.07, a fast and secure operating system with privacy in mind. If it's your first time using NetCrawl, here's a little refresher. Your system automatically crawls your target network to find nodes and decrypt them. Decrypt enough nodes to find a hash and break the layer. Simple systems only have a single layer while more advanced have more. Each layer makes crawling more resource-demanding.