echo classifieds/2024-03-30-145531.txt | nc 1900 | less
|     the world appears      |
|         as it does         |
|         by way of          |
|          thoughts          |
|   taken to be more than    |
|          thoughts          |
|                            |
|        that's right        |
|    'tis re-presentation    |
|    and re-presentation     |
|           alone            |
|                            |
| ignoring their true nature |
|          is, well          |
|         ignorance          |
|                            |
|        prattling on        |
|    about the diversity     |
|    and magnificence of     |
|           it all           |
|       makes for good       |
|      procrastination       |
|                            |
|        from simply         |
|    letting all that go     |
|      in exchange for       |
|           peace            |
|            aka             |
|          absence           |
|          of mind           |
|            aka             |
|          thoughts          |
|   taken to be more than    |
|          thoughts          |