echo | nc 1900 | less
         Nightfall City                                    
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   From the hills of Dusk's End to the small alleys of Main Street,
   you feel drawn to the lights of this vibrant metropolis in an
   uncharted internet territory. The sign reads "Nightfall".


=> writers-lane/
   A coffee in a hand and a pen in the other, that's how writers write
   in Writer's Lane. Cafes and Bookstores form the heart of this
   Victorian-style neighborhood. In this district, you never know what
   story you'll find.

=> main-street/
   Billboards and neon signs surround you. The music from local bars
   is tainted by the honking of passing cars and the raindrops. People
   everywhere, even at this hour. You're not sure why you're here, but
   you realize how alive the city is. You look around and you see...

=> dusks-end/
   We can see it all from the top of the hills in Dusk's End. It's
   hard to tell apart the sky from the skyline, but locals enjoy the
   distance. The eerie city lights projected on the sky invite reverie
   and introspection. People from all over come watch the moment night
   falls from this scenic landmark.

=> shore/
   Palm trees, sand and a city-renowed coffee joint to watch the glowy 
   sunrise and its morning haze as you embark on your visit of the
   city's edge.


=> citizenship/
   Become a citizen of Nightfall City!

=> classifieds/
   How long until all ads are generated by AI?

=> booth/
   Do you enjoy your time in Nightfall city? Great! Take a picture in
   our booth and spread the love!


=> nex/
   The Nightfall Express is Nightfall's subway system. Get your ticket
   and enjoy the city. Full day ticket available.

=> nps/
   Nightfall's Postal Service makes sure to deliver your notes to the
   residents of Nightfall. Come learn more.


=> come refresh yourself!

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