echo shore/garden/ | nc 1900 | less
                  _(_)_                          wWWWw   _
      @@@@       (_)@(_)   vVVVv     _     @@@@  (___) _(_)_
     @@()@@ wWWWw  (_)\    (___)   _(_)_  @@()@@   Y  (_)@(_)
      @@@@  (___)     `|/    Y    (_)@(_)  @@@@   \|/   (_)\
       /      Y       \|    \|/    /(_)    \|      |/      |
    \ |     \ |/       | / \ | /  \|/       |/    \|      \|/
jgs \\|//   \\|///  \\\|//\\\|/// \|///  \\\|//  \\|//  \\\|// 
 / / / / / / / / / / The Shore's G A R D E N / / / / / / / / / /
      Welcome to the garden! The citizens of the Shore keep this
garden tidy by watering the plants, and receive 1 NFD each time
they do so. Plants can only be watered once a day per citizen.

=> water/
=> log.txt

                                    "My garden is my most
                                     beautiful masterpiece."
                                              - Claude Monet