echo nex/in/modro/ | nc 1900 | less
======    #=#
*FALA*     #=#
======     #=#
Its a small #=#
train station#=#
If you cross#=#the rails
           #=#and continnue along the road,          
          #=#there is a little house with a garden.                     
            #=#                  __
             #=#            /\---||-----\ 
              #=#          /  \          \ 
              #=#         /____\__________\
              #=#         | [] | [ ] ___[]|  
             #=#          |    |     | |  |
            #=#          `````````````````````  
                     Behind the garden is a river-port and a cannoe is tied to a tree. 
=> about.txt [enter the house]

=> garden.txt   [enter the garden]

=> river.txt         [go for a connoe ride] 

=> nex://  

=> nex://